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With the great weather, we have been outside as much as possible!  The other day, we went to the rec center to workout and play basketball with the kids (yes, we occasionally workout at the gym. We just do it BurstClub style!)


But before putting the kids in their classes, we decided to have them do a little burst training outside with us.  Nathan got creative and had them do all kinds of crazy things….which they loved!!


I know what it’s like as a busy mom and working mom….sometimes you just plain don’t feel like doing ANYTHING except curling up on the couch and eating chocolate (maybe that’s just me!).


But I’ve seen that it’s these very times that I really don’t feel like doing anything, if I’ll push through and get active, my whole mood changes, I feel better, and I’m so thankful I did afterward!


This was one of those days.


And I’m glad I pushed through that “blah” feeling!  It turned into a lot of fun!


If you struggle to get your kids motivated to move, check out these 5 tips to get your kids exercising more.